The Oak Bay Beach Hotel just outside Victoria, British Columbia was a revelation. I wanted to "accidentally" pack one of their soft heavy-fleeced spa robes but I didn't (I regret it a little bit). It was nippy throughout the entire trip - middle of April and often in the 40's. I couldn't get over how I didn't really need to wear any other warm clothes than the robe to go out to the heated mineral pools.
One of my favorite parts of this hotel besides the robes was their Hot Buttered Rum drink, which tasted like Halloween. It was heaven.
I genuinely need to figure out how to make this drink. I chatted with the woman who made it, and apparently a batter is made beforehand, and she said something about heating up the rum and... water? and then the batter melts inside?
I've set up a comments section for this blog - if anyone knows how to make this drink please let me know! See below the menu listing with its ingredients - looks delicious, right?:

Rapid-fire so many other things I loved about this trip:
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and it was gorgeous.
Tea at the Fairmont Empress was next level - their Empress 1408 drinks and tea, oh my goodness. Also just the pridey proper vibes of teas and the tiny delicious snackeroonies were perfection.
Fan Tan Alley was mysterious and atmospheric and steeped in history.
The Native American shops - Cowichan Trading and Sasquatch Trading - were a highlight.
I stumbled upon this Canadian co-op business called makers. I wanted to buy everything in there. In particular, I adored Perverted Plastics because of course I did.
I also really appreciated Michelle Potentier's Little Shop of Strange. Her own brick and mortar in Victoria was worth an explore!